English Horn Concerto
for solo English horn and orchestra
The English Horn concerto is written in memory of my aunt Beverley Clouston. She was the oldest child of my Métis Grandmother Lenore Clouston and my Scottish Grandfather John Clouston. She suffered a birth injury (in 1947) and as a result Beverley suffered from seizures for the rest of her life and had developmental and physical disabilities as well. My grandparents found it difficult to take care of her, along with all their other kids and the farm, and so they placed her in the best care they could find, an institution in Portage La Prairie, MB. Unfortunately, at the institution she was treated poorly, over medicated, and probably abused. Years later, the family was able to find a community home closer to the farm and Beverley thrived in a better situation where she was loved and cherished. My mom had a special relationship with her sister Beverley and invited her to stay with us overnight on a monthly basis, and this is how I got to know her the best. She always asked us how we were doing and brought us cards and gifts. Her generosity, warmth and enthusiasm filled our house every time she came. She died in April 2016 a week or so after my mom and I had visited her. Her joy at seeing me still brings tears to my eyes. This piece reflects her enthusiasm and joy of life that overcame all that was placed before her. I’ve incorporated her favourite songs « You are my Sunshine » and « Jesus loves me » into the second movement. The third movement is based around the fiddle tune « Big John McNeil, » which in Manitoba is sometime also known as the Métis Anthem, a tune she loved and would have heard, and danced to, at the family farm.