Jan Järvlepp's Flights of Fancy, includes six pieces for various small instrumental ensembles, some of them a tad unusual.Vivienne Spiteri, harpsichordist extraordinaire, has produced a phenomenal disc of aggressive and insightful new electroacoustic music.
Terra Nova
music for instruments & electroacoustic sounds
"Jan Järvlepp's music is full of life, breath and expression. His pieces lure the ear with familiar tidbits: tonal centers, recognizable structures, surging rhythms. But they also have strange yet gentle ways of revealing themselves...consistently engaging, variegated, and enjoyable...opens doorways through which listeners can jump into the music."Kathryn Cernauskas' first solo CD, covers an astonishing range of musical and compositional styles, from traditional through wildly contemporary.Toccata
Recorded Live
Spontaneity has always been a major part of NEXUS' approach to performing its repertoire, and improvised pieces, such as Kichari, Reunion, and Tocatta were featured in the NEXUS anniversary season programs. In these pieces, the listener will find the musical heart of NEXUS.Go to Top