Tea with Debussy and Pärt in Casablanca
Rhapsody for Viola and Piano
Vertical Landscapes
Zuzana Šimurdová plays Canadian women composers
Moroccan Dances
Suite for Pierrot Ensemble
Concert Band / Large Wind Ensembles With Saxophone SoloistMany Happy Returns
for piano and three treble clef instruments
Variable EnsembleCarnaval des insectes (The Carnival of the Insects)
Pour orchestre symphonique
Missa Brevis
pour choeur mixte a cappella
Here’s What Happened
for jazz piano trio
Mixed Chamber Ensembles (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Percussion, Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Arrays
for Soprano Sax, Bass Clarinet and Bassoon
Woodwinds, Solo / Ensemble, Mixed TriosNova Pon: Symphonies of Mother and Child
Turning Point Ensemble
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