This piece was conceived at a time when the ensemble was unable to play together, due to pandemic restrictions. As a result, the music material is divided in two distinct groups, where one of them plays on stage and the other one can be pre-recorded and streamed in synchronicity with the on-stage group. Pandemic or not, all the musicians would participate in this piece.

Musically speaking, the two ensembles explore different ways to compose one single music idea. Ensemble 1 is structurally methodic, developing the music material spirally and cumulatively, whereas Ensemble 2 is more vertical and fluid, comprised by chords and spontaneous instrumental gestures. At times, the two ensembles come together to expose the unifying musical idea in its fullest – the first-ever written Saltarello (currently preserved in the British Library).

“Dark Light” is the literal translation of Yin and Yang (Chinese philosophical concept), which describes how opposite or contrary forces can be interdependent, interconnected, and form a unity together.