In 1649, a French expedition arrived on the island known to its Indigenous Carib people as Camerhogne, now known as Grenada in what today is called the Caribbean. The Caribs resisted the French through guerilla warfare. In 1651, the Caribs were betrayed and the French were led to their secret headquarters. Rather than surrender to the French, up to 60 Caribs then ran to a 40-foot cliff on the northern point of the sea and jumped to their deaths on the rocks below. The French named the spot where they jumped ‘Morne de Sauteurs’, or ‘Leapers Hill’. Though Carib resistance continued until 1654 and some Caribs survived into the 1700s, Grenadian legend says that the last remaining Carib people on the island died at Sauteurs (pronounced « suh-TEZ »).