Lyrics: Spirit Tree, by Anna Yin
after Priscila Uppal
In Prospect Cemetery,
among poplar, cedar, maple,
I hope you found your tree—
a healing from heaven.
Here, in another city,
I see from my window
a full-grown willow—
ten years ago, it was a tiny twig
dropped in the valley.
Two years ago,
the year you passed, lightning
hit the willow and split her in two.
A year later,
from the open wound,
she grew new branches.
Have I found my spirit tree?
A breeze blows—new green leaves
touch me like a soft hand.
When winter comes,
I collect the fallen leaves,
slim, the shape of lips.
I slip them into books
of your poems.
They cling to one another,
a whispering forest of stories.