Surprisingly, the first in-depth studies on creativity did not appear until the end of the nineteenth century. In the West, creativity was seen as a divine gift; there was no need to present a clinical study. Biameral Mind is based on the pre-Aristotelian concept that the brain has two « chambers », not to be confused with the more modern concept of the two cerebral hemispheres. According to this belief, the gods, after having been ritually invoked, filled one of the chambers, and the artist had only the merit of having been chosen by a muse: Erato for love poetry, Euterpe for music and lyric poetry. Today, in a desacralised universe, how can one adapt this mythology? The mystery is dead and with it the possibility of having recourse to rituals. Biameral Mind, therefore, is an experience in which algorithmic calculations – responsible for the electroacoustic elements – act instead of the divine breath, either to inspire the musician or to kill his desire for creativity.