Tea with Debussy and Pärt in Casablanca
Rhapsody for Viola and Piano
Moroccan Dances
Suite for Pierrot Ensemble
Many Happy Returns
for piano and three treble clef instruments
Variable EnsembleHere’s What Happened
for jazz piano trio
Mixed Chamber Ensembles (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Percussion, Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Bridges Will Burn
Trio from Castaways
The Saint Clement’s Service
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis for Choir and Organ, op. 106
Filiae Regum
Motet en l'honneur de Sainte Anne, op. 67 for mixed choir (SATB) and organ / pour choeur à voix mixtes et orgue
A Little Thing
for Soprano from A Northern Lights Dream, Solo Version
Solo Voice with KeyboardPhysical Guy
Duet for Soprano and Baritone from A Northern Lights Dream
Two Voices with Keyboardson glosas, claro… (1991-I)
for digital synthesizer(s), external modules and tape
Things I Couldn’t Say in French
for euphonium and piano
Brass, + Keyboard, Euphonium / Baritonesensors IV (1983-V)
for choir, with electronic and computer sounds
semios (2009-II)
for piano and electroacoustic sounds
quodlibet, stylus luxurians (1991-II)
for organ, brass and percussion
preludio (preludio) (1989-III) (1958)
para piano
plectros V (2000-I)
for prepared piano and percussion ensemble
plectros IV (1974-I)
for two pianists of opposite sex, with percussion and electronic sounds
plectros III (1971-I)
for piano and synthesized sounds
penetrations II (1969-IV)
for wind(s), string(s), percussion and keyboard instrument(s), with voices, lights, electronic sounds and electronic extensions
nebula incognita (2014-I)
for organ
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