Evolutions is a set of 4 short pieces which are the culmination of a series of exercises in neoclassicism
and neotonality. I began this dual exploration in March, 2020 just before the pandemic lockdown began,
and completed my explorations in August, 2020, just as some of the restrictions were being lifted.
Evolutions 2 was accepted for inclusion in “Beyond Words” – a project initiated by the Slate Charity (Scotland)
and Michael Kerins. http://beyondwords2019.slatecharity.com/the-americas/canada/. It was the first work
from Canada.
Each movement derives from the notes in the first 5 bars of Evolutions 1. I had no emotional intent in mind for
any of the movements. I was interested in what happens according to tempo, dynamics, etc. from a very limited
inspiration. Each Evolution can stand by itself. Together, they are balanced by tempo and character for a
well rounded set.