Peggy Lee, Standing Wave’s cello player, describes Redline as a recording of « dynamic new works commissioned by Standing Wave from three luminaries of contemporary Canadian music.” Redline features three commissioned works by Canadian composers: 10M-5P-17m (2005), by Howard Bashaw; palladia (2001), by Bradshaw Pack; and Incipits (2003), by Chris Paul Harman.

The CD was produced by Dylan van der Schyff and Standing Wave and recorded at Factory Studios in June 2006. The commissions were made possible through the support of the Canada Council (10M-5P-17m and Incipits) and the Acoustic Panel (palladia), and the recording was made possible through the assistance of the Canada Music Fund and the Music Section of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Howard Bashaw / Conductor – Leslie Dala

1 I Meccanico Eccentrico, Leading Inanity (P.S.) 3:26
2 II On Shifting Ground 1:53
3 III Prelude, Chimes 0:54
4 IV Counter-Linear Continua III 0:52
5 V Postlude, Chimes 0:20
6 VI Tempo Collage 0:57
7 VII Sulky Obsess 2:14
8 VIII Xylophone, For The 2:28
9 IX Piano, For The 3:20
10 X Fill This … 1:49

Bradshaw Pack

11 Palladia 15:07

Chris Paul Harman

12 Incipits 15:40