“传福音”(歌词)(Spread the Gospel)

传呀传,这样传!(To spread, (to spread), this is the way to spread!)
我们的福音要这样传,(This is the way to spread our Gospel,)
我们的圣经要这样传!(This is the way to spread our Bible!)
我们都是神的子女,(We are all God’s children) (All of us are God’s children,)
我们都是他的羔羊。(We are all his lambs) (all of us are His lambs.)
神迹这样传,(This is how to spread the Miracles,) (This is the way to spread the miracles,)
历史这样传!(This is how to spread His story!) (This is how to spread the history!)
神迹这样传,(This is how to spread the Miracles,) (This is the way to spread the miracles,)
历史这样传!(This is how to spread His story!) (This is how to spread the history!)
神的话语,(God’s word,)
在每一章每一页;(is in each chapter and on each page;)
神的告诫,(God’s admonitions)
在每一行每一节,每一节!(are in each section and in each paragraph!)
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世界呀,(The world,)
在神的创造中排列:(is orderly arranged according to God’s creation)

万物呀,(All things,)
是我主耶和华的创捏。(had been created by Lord Jehovah.)
(男声) 谁说呀,(who says,)
圣父不在人的世界?(that our Father doesn’t exist in the human world?)
圣父他從沒和我們分別。(Our Father has never separated from us.)
主為我世人來赎罪,(Our Lord came to the world to redeem us from our sins,)
我把主耶酥来赞美!(Let me glorify our Lord Jesus Christ!)
背十架,荡奸鬼,(Carry the cross, drive away devils,)
主耶酥我紧随;(Jesus Christ our Lord, I will follow you closely 😉

(男高音独唱甩腔)永不排徊!(I will never falter!)
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神的恩典, (God’s grace,)
万世流长; (will last forever;)
神的大爱, (God’s love,)
四海普照! (will shine upon the whole world!) (will shine upon every corner of the seas!)
神的话语,(God’s word,)
是生命的活水,(is life’s running water,)
点点滴滴,(drop by drop,)
将你灌浇!(it cleanses away your sin!)
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依靠主耶酥不彷徨,(Relying on our Lord (Jesus Christ) will keep us from anxiety, )
跟随主耶酥不动摇!(Following our Lord (Jesus Christ) with keep us from wavering!)
读圣经,传福音,(Read the bible, spread the gospel,)
行万里有目标,有目标!(Walk ten thousand miles with a goal, with a goal!)
主耶酥就是真理把我引导!(Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth that guides my way!)
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传福音,传福音,传福音,(Spread the gospel, spread the gospel, and spread the gospel,)
传福音,传福音,传福音,传福音!(Spread the gospel, spread the gospel, and spread the gospel!)
广传福音,广传福音,(Spread the gospel widely (everywhere); spread the gospel widely (everywhere),)
广传福音,广传福音!(Spread the gospel widely (everywhere); spread the gospel widely (everywhere)!)
兄弟姐妹齐勇跃,(Brothers and sisters, let us rejoice together,)
传福音直到那 (Let us spread the gospel until)
神国降临,(the Kingdom has come,)
天地日月同荣耀!( Let us glorify our God together under heaven and earth, sun and moon!)
